
{:en}Buddy Holly & The Cricketers{:}{:cy}‘Buddy Holly & The Cricketers’{:}

November 29, 2018 7:30pm - November 29 2018, 9:00pm


Buddy Holly and the Cricketers once again herald in the Yuletide festivities with Holly at Christmas, the show that is now as traditional as mulled wine and mince pies!

Holly’s hits, other contemporary classics and some Christmas crackers are all wrapped up in a fast, furious and funny feast of entertainment to make the perfect gift for all the family.

Whatever the season, whatever the excuse to party, make your Heartbeat a little faster with the show that has thousands of fans the world over saying: “I can’t believe it’s not Buddy!”

To book please call the Box Office on 01495 227206.{:}{:cy}

Bydd ‘Buddy Holly and the Cricketers’ yn ymuno yn hwyl yr ŵyl gyda Holly adeg y Nadolig, sioe sydd mor draddodiadol â gwin cynnes a mins peis!

Bydd caneuon poblogaidd Holly, clasuron cyfredol eraill a rhai caneuon Nadoligaidd eraill a gaiff eu perfformio mewn gwledd gyflym, ffyrnig a doniol o ddiddanwch sy’n rhodd berffaith i’r teulu cyfan.

Beth bynnag fo’r tymor, beth bynnag yw’r esgus dros wledda, sicrhewch guriad calon (Heartbeat) ychydig yng nghynt gyda’r sioe sy’n peri fod miloedd o gefnogwyr ar draws y byd yn dweud: “Allai ddim credu nad Buddy yw hwnnw!”

I archebu ffoniwch y Swyddfa Docynnau ar 01495 227206.{:}

Essential information

{:en}Blackwood Miner's Institute, Blackwood High Street{:}{:cy}Blackwood Miner's Institute, Blackwood High Street{:}
{:en}NP12 1BB{:}{:cy}NP12 1BB{:}
01495 227206
{:en}£18.50 (£17.50){:}{:cy}£18.50 (£17.50){:}
CTA Member

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