Holly’s hits, other contemporary classics and some Christmas crackers are all wrapped up in a fast, furious and funny feast of entertainment to make the perfect gift for all the family.
Whatever the season, whatever the excuse to party, make your Heartbeat a little faster with the show that has thousands of fans the world over saying: “I can’t believe it’s not Buddy!”
To book please call the Box Office on 01495 227206.{:}{:cy}
Bydd caneuon poblogaidd Holly, clasuron cyfredol eraill a rhai caneuon Nadoligaidd eraill a gaiff eu perfformio mewn gwledd gyflym, ffyrnig a doniol o ddiddanwch sy’n rhodd berffaith i’r teulu cyfan.
Beth bynnag fo’r tymor, beth bynnag yw’r esgus dros wledda, sicrhewch guriad calon (Heartbeat) ychydig yng nghynt gyda’r sioe sy’n peri fod miloedd o gefnogwyr ar draws y byd yn dweud: “Allai ddim credu nad Buddy yw hwnnw!”
I archebu ffoniwch y Swyddfa Docynnau ar 01495 227206.{:}