
{:en}Ned & The Whale{:}{:cy}Ned a’r Morfil{:}

October 29, 2018 2:00pm - October 29 2018, 4:00pm


A fishy tail of magic and adventure, Ned and the Whale will scoop you up and sail you away on a quest to help Ned find his courage, and discover the truth behind the mysterious Kingdom of Spies…

Encounter strange lands, dodge the incredibly smelly Trotwood twins, soar the sky with the Clackerjacks and jump feet first into this magical, musical journey of a boy and his whale.

Flossy and Boo use their own magical brand of storytelling to allow you to leap fearlessly into the far reaches of your imagination.

To book please call the Box Office on 01495 227206.{:}{:cy}

Llond pysgodyn o stori hud a lledrith ac antur, fydd Ned a’r Morfil yn eich casglu a’ch hwylio i ffwrdd mewn ymdrech i helpu Ned i ddarganfod ei wroldeb, a dod o hyd i’r gwir y tu ôl i Deyrnas yr Ysbiwyr dirgel…

Dewch ar draws diroedd rhyfedd, osgowch yr efeilliaid Trotwood hynod ddrewllyd, hedfanwch drwy’r awyr gyda’r Clackerjacks a neidiwch heb oedi i mewn i’r daith gerddorol a hudolus hon o fachgen a’i forfil.

Mae Flossy a Boo yn defnyddio eu brand hudolus o adrodd straeon i ganiatáu i chi neidio’n ddi-ofn i ymylon pell eich dychymyg.

I archebu ffoniwch y Swyddfa Docynnau ar 01495 227206.{:}

Essential information

{:en}Blackwood Miner's Institute, Blackwood High Street{:}{:cy}Blackwood Miner's Institute, Blackwood High Street{:}
{:en}NP12 1BB{:}{:cy}NP12 1BB{:}
01495 227206
{:en}£5, £4{:}{:cy}£5, £4{:}
CTA Member

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