
{:en}The Brotherhood of the Black Pirate Festival 2019{:}{:cy}Gŵyl ‘Brotherhood of the Black Pirate’ 2019{:}

August 31, 2019 10:00am - September 1 2019, 5:00pm


Get dressed up, practice your pirate swagger and come along for a weekend full of fun and entertainment for all the family.

Historical re-enactments, Living History tents where you can meet the pirates and try making knots and scrimshaw or learn sword craft, skirmishes with the Kings Men, interactive entertainment, storytelling, traditional games for children and probably a parrot or two! Trade stalls selling everything a self respecting pirate should need, including the best rum, beer and cider, crafts and more besides…

See website for further details{:}{:cy}

Dewch i wisgo i fyny, ymarferwch eich cerddediad môr-leidr a dewch draw am benwythnos llawn hwyl ac adloniant i’r teulu cyfan.

Ail-berfformiadau hanesyddol, pebyll Hanes Byw lle gallwch gwrdd â’r môr-ladron a cheisio gwneud clymau a sgrimsio neu ddysgu crefft cleddyfa, sgarmesu gyda’r ‘Kings Men’, adloniant rhyngweithiol, adrodd straeon, gemau traddodiadol i blant ac, mae’n siŵr, barot neu ddau! Stondinau masnach sy’n gwerthu popeth y dylai môr-leidr llawn hunan-barch ei gael, gan gynnwys y rum gorau, cwrw a seidr, crefftau a mwy…

Gweler y wefan am ragor o fanylion

£6 oedolion; £3 plant 5-16; plant o dan 5 am ddim. Tocynnau teulu, penwythnos a gwersylla ar gael.{:}

Essential information

{:en}Llancaiach Fawr Manor, Nelson{:}{:cy}Llancaiach Fawr Manor, Nelson{:}
{:en}CF46 6ER{:}{:cy}CF46 6ER{:}
01443 412248
{:en}£6 adults; £3 children 5-16; under 5’s free. Family, weekend and camping tickets available.{:}{:cy}£6 oedolion; £3 plant 5-16; plant o dan 5 am ddim. Tocynnau teulu, penwythnos a gwersylla ar gael.{:}
CTA Member

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